Intern Testimonials

"After working remotely for several months before coming on-site, I felt as though I was simultaneously confident in my expectations but also curious what was in store. Working on-site exceeded my expectations in the most positive ways. The team atmosphere, high integrity art, and wonderful work ethic embodied at Wellspring made this experience better than I could have imagined."- Kyra Hickey, RAD Intern 2019

"Such an awesome hidden gem… anyone who is even considering administration or studio work, or even community outreach, this program gives you the practical skills. You can see how a company goes about organizing themselves, and their volunteers, and you can use that for any area of life. Any of those skills are transferrable to any other job." - Katherine Kennedy, Company Intern 18-19

"This experience actually went above and beyond my expectations. With my past experiences with other jobs, I was expecting to be treated like most minimum wage jobs from big corporations. There wasn't a real reason that I had this expectation except for the fact that it's what I'm used to. This was so much better. The main thing that really stuck out was just how much everyone made sure that we got to dance, experience the performances, meet with new people and express our thoughts and ideas."- Ashley Garcia, RAD Intern 2019

"I wouldn’t be where I am now if I didn’t have Wellspring. Every step has been so beneficial."- Kathryn Kowols, RAD Intern 2017, Company Intern 17-18